有關直銷推廣意向書Letter of Intent related to Direct Marketing尊敬的客戶:就《2012年個人資料(私隱)修訂)條例》有關直銷的條文已於2013年4月1日起生效。為遵從此條文的新規定,請填寫下表以表:達閣下對金中(香港)商務集團有限公司可否使用您的個人資料進行直銷推廣的意向(請以“√"選擇)□本人瞭解並同意..
18138289725 立即咨询发布时间:2024-05-13 热度:431
有關直銷推廣意向書 Letter of Intent related to Direct Marketing 尊敬的客戶: 就《2012年個人資料(私隱)修訂)條例》有關直銷的條文已於2013年4月1日起生效。為遵從此條文的新規定,請填寫下表以表:達閣下對金中(香港)商務集團有限公司可否使用您的個人資料進行直銷推廣的意向(請以“√"選擇) □本人瞭解並同意金中的條款,接受金中(香港)商務集團有限公司使用本人的個人資料經以下渠道作直銷推廣; □本人不接受金中(香港)商務集團有限公司使用本人的個人資料經以下渠道作直銷推廣; ●電子推廣郵件●電話短訊 (SMS)●直銷郵件●電話直銷 同意金中的條款與條件向金融機構提供本人的個人數據,以供其用於以下一般服務; (1) 金融、保險、信用卡、銀行及相關服務及產品;(2)獎賞計畫以及相關服務和產品,包括金錢回贈或其他贈品。 相關金融機構代表將就您的申請與您聯繫。 如有疑問,請聯絡金融機構。 如閣下沒有在以上方格内以“√"號顯示閣下的選擇,即代表閣下拒絕金中(香港)商務集團有限公司任何形式的直銷推廣。 以上代表閣下現在對是否接收直銷推廣資料的選擇,亦取代任何閣下之前已告知金中(香港)商務集團有限公司的選擇。否則日後閣下亦可隨時按宣傳資料上[拒絕接收]方法,通知我們停止使用您的個人資料。有關本公司對個人資料的政策,請參閱金中(香港)商務集團有限公司的「隱私政策聲明」。 請把填妥的意向書電郵至service@96991.com。如有任何疑问,請電郵與我們聯絡。 Letter of Intent related to Direct Marketing Dear Customer, In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012, which came into effect on April 1, 2013, please complete the following table to indicate your intention regarding the use of your personal information by HK JINZHONG BUSINESS GROUP LIMITED for direct sales promotion (please indicate with a "√"): □I understand and agree to the terms of Jinzhong and accept HK JINZHONG BUSINESS GROUP LIMITED to use my personal information for direct sales promotion through the following channels; □I do not consent to HK JINZHONG BUSINESS GROUP LIMITED using my personal information for direct marketing purposes through the following channels. ● Email Promotion ● SMS Promotion ● Direct Mail Promotion ● Telemarketing Agree to the terms and conditions of Jinzhong to provide my personal data to financial institutions for their use in the following general services; (1) Financial, insurance, credit card, banking and related services and products; (2) Reward programs and related services and products, including monetary rewards or other gifts. Representatives of relevant financial institutions will contact you regarding your application. If you have any questions, please contact financial institutions. If you have not indicated your choice with a "√" in the above boxes, it means that you refuse any form of direct sales promotion from HK JINZHONG BUSINESS GROUP LIMITED. The above represents your current choice on whether to receive direct sales promotional materials, and supersedes any previous choices you may have informed HK JINZHONG BUSINESS GROUP LIMITED of. Otherwise, you may also notify us at any time to stop using your personal information by following the [Opt-out] method on promotional materials. For information on our company's data policies, please refer to the "Privacy Policy Statement" of HK JINZHONG BUSINESS GROUP LIMITED. Please email the completed intention form to service@96991.com. If you have any questions, please contact us via email. 請【下載】有關直銷推廣意向書